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Bücher von Dan Xu

Dan Xu, Ph.D. is Exceptional Category Professor (Professeur de classe exceptionnelle) at the INALCO (Institut des Langues et Civilisations Orientales) in France. In 2009 she was elected Senior Member at IUF (University Institute of France). Her research interests focus on syntax in Chinese, language typology and language contacts. Her major works include: 1996/2010. (second printing) Initiation a la syntaxe chinoise [Introduction to Chinese Syntax] Paris: l'Asiatheque. 2006/2014 (Reprinted in China by World Publishing Corporation). Typological change in Chinese Syntax, Oxford University Press. 2014. Tangwang hua yanjiu [Studies of the Tangwang language] Beijing: Minzu chubanshe. 2017 (To appear) Chuanshi wenxian yu chutu wenxian de lishi jufa yanjiu. [Studies on diachronic syntax based on transmitted and excavated texts] Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan [Commercial Press] (To appear). Project leader of the ACI (03 3 26) Space and its representations in East Asia's languages (2003-2007), the ANR (ANR-06-BLAN0259) Quantification and Plurality (2006-2011), the ANR (ANR-12-BSH2-0004-01) Is there a correlation between languages and genes?-Studies in the Northwest area in China (2012 -2016).

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