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Bücher von Clay Breshears

Clay Breshears has been with Intel since September 2000. He started as a Senior Parallel Application Engineer at the Intel Parallel Applications Center in Champaign, IL, implementing multithreaded and distributed solutions in customer applications. Clay is currently a Course Architect for the Intel Software College, specializing in multi-core and multithreaded programming and training. Before joining Intel, Clay was a Research Scientist at Rice University helping Department of Defense researchers make best use of the latest High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms and resources. Clay received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 1996, but has been involved with parallel computation and programming for over twenty years; six of those years were spent in academia at Eastern Washington University and The University of Southern Mississippi.
The Art of Concurrency von Clay Breshears
The Art of ConcurrencyClay Breshears
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