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Bücher von Clare Lattin

Clare Lattin (Author)
Clare Lattin started her career in book publishing, latterly at Quadrille where she worked for 10 years as head of publicity, overseeing PR campaigns for all their major cookery books. It was during this period that her passion for the food scene became obsessive and she met the characters who put her on the path to opening her own restaurant. Clare also is the co-founder of Eightyfour, a small PR agency specialising in restaurant and food brands.

Tom Hill (Author)
Tom Hill's love of cooking began as a child in the kitchen with his mother. Today, as a professional chef, he is executive chef of Ducksoup and co-proprietor of Rawduck. Tom has worked with a
number of leading lights in the restaurant industry. He has managed the kitchens for Mitch Tonks of Fish Works, Mark Hix of Hix Restaurants and Ed Wilson of Terroir and Brawn.

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