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Bücher von Christopher Marsden

Christopher Marsden is an architectural researcher, historian and writer. His research is credited in many recent titles including The Buildings of Huddersfield: five architectural walks (2016), The Villas of Edgerton: home to Huddersfield's Victorian elite (2017), Pevsner Architectural Guide; Yorkshire West Riding: Sheffield and the South (2017). He is currently working on an architectural biography of H G Ibberson FRIBA. He is the chair of the civic society and Iives in Longwood, Huddersfield. Andrew Caveney is a professional photographer, www.creativedigitalphotography.co.uk. Having graduated with a BA (Hons) in Photography in 1988, he specialises in commercial and architectural photography. His work can be seen in many publications including The Villas of Edgerton: home to Huddersfield's Victorian elite (2017) and Pevsner Architectural Guide; Yorkshire West Riding: Sheffield and the South (2017). He lives in Birkby, Huddersfield.

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