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Bücher von Charles Ferrall

Charles Ferrall is Associate Professor of English, Victoria University of Wellington. He is the author of Modernist Writing and Reactionary Politics (Cambridge, 2001) and, with Dougal McNeill, Writing the 1926 General Strike: Literature, Culture, Politics (Cambridge, 2015). He is editor of the Journal of New Zealand Literature, and is currently working on a study of working-class interwar British literature. Dougal McNeill is Senior Lecturer in English, Victoria University of Wellington. He is the author, with Charles Ferrall, of Writing the 1926 General Strike: Literature, Culture, Politics (Cambridge, 2015). Other books of his include Forecasts of the Past: Globalisation, History, Realism, Utopia (2012) and an edition of Harry Holland's Robert Burns: Poet and Revolutionist (2016).
The Trials of Eric Mareo von Charles Ferrall
The Trials of Eric MareoCharles Ferrall
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