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Chambers is one of the world's most respected dictionary publishers, appealing particularly to word lovers and those who revel in all the quirks of the English language. Its extensive list of innovative language and reference titles includes the renowned Brewer's list of endlessly browsable dictionaries of phrase and fable, and covers English-language dictionaries and thesauruses for every level of user from school to crossword fan, from English learner to student of slang. Meticulously researched and expertly written, the highly acclaimed Chambers range has been at the forefront of presenting knowledge and learning in an engaging and accessible way since it was first established in the 19th century.
Chambers Crossword Completer von Chambers (ed.)
Chambers Crossword CompleterChambers (ed.)
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Chambers Anagrams von Chambers (ed.)
Chambers AnagramsChambers (ed.)
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Chambers Adult Learners' Thesaurus von Chambers (ed.)
Chambers Adult Learners' ThesaurusChambers (ed.)
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Chambers Mini Thesaurus von Chambers (Ed.)
Chambers Mini ThesaurusChambers (Ed.)
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Chambers Crossword Dictionary von Chambers (ed.)
Chambers Crossword DictionaryChambers (ed.)
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Chambers 21st Century Dictionary von Chambers (ed.)
Chambers 21st Century DictionaryChambers (ed.)
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Chambers Book of Azed Crosswords von Chambers (ed.)
Chambers Book of Azed CrosswordsChambers (ed.)
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Chambers Crossword Completer von Chambers (Ed.)
Chambers Crossword CompleterChambers (Ed.)
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Chambers Giant Thesaurus von Chambers (ed.)
Chambers Giant ThesaurusChambers (ed.)
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