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Bücher von Caroline Goyder

Caroline Goyder's global reputation as a speaker and voice coach is built on her warm, engaging, relaxed and highly practical style, and her expertise honed by her work with actors, teachers, broadcasters and the corporate sector. She worked at Central School of Speech and Drama as a voice coach for over 10 years before launching her own company. She is regularly sought after by the media as an expert in her field and her work has featured on television and in numerous national and international newspaper articles. Her extremely successful Ted Talk has had over 7 million views. Caroline was named by Red magazine as one of Britain's top coaches.
Gravitas von Caroline Goyder
GravitasCaroline Goyder
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Find Your Voice von Caroline Goyder
Find Your VoiceCaroline Goyder
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The Star Qualities von Caroline Goyder
The Star QualitiesCaroline Goyder
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The Star Qualities von Caroline Goyder
The Star QualitiesCaroline Goyder
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