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Bücher von Bryan Pfaffenberger

Bryan Pfaffenberger is the author of more than 75 books on computers and the Internet, including the best-selling Discover the Internet, from IDG Books Worldwide. He teaches advanced professional communication and the sociology of computing in the University of Virginia's Division of Technology, Culture, and Communication. Bryan lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, with his family and an extremely spoiled cat. Steven M. Schafer is a veteran of technology and publishing. He programs in several languages, works with a variety of technologies, and has been published in several technical publications and articles. He currently is the COOO/CTO for Progeny, and open source-based service and support company. Steven can be reach by e-mail at [email protected]. Chuck White is a Web development professional who has written numerous articles and books on Web development, including Mastering XSLT and Developing Killer Web Apps with Dreamweaver MX and C#, and tutorials for IBM DeveloperWorks. His first published work on CSS was for Web Techniques magazine in 1997, and he has been working with large and small Web sites since 1996. He is currently a Web software engineer at eBay. Bill Karow, in addition to writing several computer books, has served as a contributor or technical editor on more than 30 other books. Formerly in charge of systems development for Walt Disney Entertainment, Bill now serves as a computer consultant in the Orlando area when he's not out riding his bicycle. He also has the distinction of having stood atop many of the buildings at Walt Disney World, fanfare trumpet in hand (with their permission).
Discover the Internet von Bryan Pfaffenberger
Discover the InternetBryan Pfaffenberger
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I Hate WORD for Windows von Bryan Pfaffenberger
I Hate WORD for WindowsBryan Pfaffenberger
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Que's Computer User's Dictionary von Bryan Pfaffenberger
Que's Computer User's DictionaryBryan Pfaffenberger
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I Hate DOS von Bryan Pfaffenberger
I Hate DOSBryan Pfaffenberger
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Linux Command Reference von Bryan Pfaffenberger
Linux Command ReferenceBryan Pfaffenberger
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Publish it on the Web! von Bryan Pfaffenberger
Publish it on the Web!Bryan Pfaffenberger
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