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Bücher von Brom

At the age of twenty, Brom started working full-time as a commercial illustrator. By 21, he had two national art representatives and was doing work for such clients as Coke, IBM, Columbia Pictures and CNN. In 1993 Brom has been working feverishly on hundreds of paintings for every facet of the genre, from novels (Terry Brooks, R.A.Salvatore, E.R.Burroughs), Role-playing (TSR, White Wolf), comics (DC, Chaos, Dark Horse), Games (Doom2, Sega, Activision), and film (Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow, Galaxy Quest, Scooby Doo.) Brom has been active in the 3d world as well with a line of Brom fetish toys from Fewture and a series of bronzes from the Franklin Mint.

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