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Bücher von Bob Servant

Bob Servant is a sixty-two-year-old, semi-retired resident of Dundee. He has previously worked as a merchant sailor and window cleaner, among other occupations, but now describes himself as 'an unemployed gigolo'. Neil Forsyth is an author and journalist. A fellow Dundonian and friend to Bob Servant for over twenty years, he has recently completed Servant's biography, Delete at Your Peril, also available from Birlinn.

Delete This at Your Peril von Bob Servant
Delete This at Your PerilBob Servant
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Delete This at Your Peril von Bob Servant
Delete This at Your PerilBob Servant
Wie Neu
Delete This at Your Peril von Bob Servant
Delete This at Your PerilBob Servant
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Bob Servant von Bob Servant
Bob ServantBob Servant
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