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Bücher von Betsy Mason

BETSY MASON is an award-winning science journalist based in the San Francisco Bay Area and co-author (with Greg Miller) of the National Geographic blog "All Over the Map." She was a 2015-2016 MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellow. Previously she was the online science editor for Wired and the science reporter for the Contra Costa Times. Before becoming a journalist, Mason earned a master's degree in geology at Stanford University.

GREG MILLER is a science and tech journalist based in Portland, Oregon. Previously he was a senior writer at Wired and a staff writer at Science, where he won several honors. Miller earned a Ph.D. in neuroscience at Stanford University. He has appeared on public radio's Science Friday to discuss maps and has given talks on a wide variety of cartography-related topics.
All Over the Map von Betsy Mason
All Over the MapBetsy Mason
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