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Bücher von Barry Wright (MBBS FRCPsych MD, Professor of Child Mental Health, York, UK)

Barry Wright is Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Hull York Medical School. He has worked with children up to the age of 18 and their families with a wide range of different abilities and difficulties in the Leeds and York Partnership Foundation NHS Trust for over 18 years. He is Clinical Lead of the National Deaf Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (NDCAMHS). Subodh Dave is Honorary Associate Professor, University of Nottingham; Consultant Psychiatrist, Derby; and Programme Lead, MMedPsych, University of Zambia, Lusaka Nisha Dogra is Professor of Psychiatry Education and Honorary Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, The Greenwood Institute of Child Health, University of Leicester, UK where she is the Course Director for the MSc/PGDip/PGCert Child and Adolescent Mental Health and pursues a variety of research interests.

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