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Bücher von Anthony M. Thornborough

Anthony Thornborough spent his childhood at operational and training bases, and later the commercial aircraft world. He is the author of over twenty aviation titles and lives in Bristol. Frank B. Mormillo is an American aviation photographer in California. He previously collaborated with Tony on Wild Weasels. (Osprey, 1992)
Lockheed Blackbirds von Anthony M. Thornborough
Lockheed BlackbirdsAnthony M. Thornborough
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V-22 Osprey von Anthony M. Thornborough
V-22 OspreyAnthony M. Thornborough
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F-111 Aardvark von Anthony M. Thornborough
F-111 AardvarkAnthony M. Thornborough
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Sky Spies von Anthony M. Thornborough
Sky SpiesAnthony M. Thornborough