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Bücher von Adam Zameenzad

Adam Zameenzad was born in Pakistan and spent his early childhood in Nairobi. His previous novels have been published to great acclaim in many languages, and include The Thirteenth House (Winner of the David Higham Prize); My Friend Matt and Hena the Whore (film rights sold to Franc Roddam, director of Quadrophenia); Love, Bones and Water; Cyrus Cyrus (longlisted for the Booker Prize); Gorgeous White Female. This is his sixth novel.

La treizième maison von Adam Zameenzad
La treizième maisonAdam Zameenzad
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Thirteenth House von Adam Zameenzad
Thirteenth HouseAdam Zameenzad
Pepsi and Maria von Adam Zameenzad
Pepsi and MariaAdam Zameenzad
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Cyrus, Cyrus von Adam Zameenzad
Cyrus, CyrusAdam Zameenzad
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Gorgeous White Female von Adam Zameenzad
Gorgeous White FemaleAdam Zameenzad
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Cyrus, Cyrus von Adam Zameenzad
Cyrus, CyrusAdam Zameenzad