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Unbelievable! A Working Country Life Victoria Walsh

Unbelievable! A Working Country Life von Victoria Walsh

Unbelievable! A Working Country Life Victoria Walsh

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People love books about the countryside, but why do they all tend to be about posh people or the life cycle of the lapwing? Introducing Martin Aris, a working-class farmer, river keeper and mischief-maker, from the Cotswolds and Wiltshire.

Unbelievable! A Working Country Life Zusammenfassung

Unbelievable! A Working Country Life: The story of Martin Aris: farmer, river keeper and mischief-maker Victoria Walsh

People love books about the countryside, but why do they all tend to be about posh people or the life cycle of the lapwing? Introducing Martin Aris, a working-class farmer, river keeper and mischief-maker, from the Cotswolds and Wiltshire. Martin is a proper country bloke who tells it like it is. Unbelievable! - his illustrated biography and thoughts on nature and life - does feature lovely lapwings etc, but also poaching and punch-ups. Plus, forget the Queen's English: this is written in Martin's Cots-Wilts accent, embellished with expletives. Unbelievable! will make you laugh out loud and reflect on a life well lived.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Unbelievable! A Working Country Life: The story of Martin Aris: farmer, river keeper and mischief-maker Victoria Walsh
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Riverside Publishing Solutions Ltd
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