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Get Your Shit Together Vicki Vrint

Get Your Shit Together von Vicki Vrint

Get Your Shit Together Vicki Vrint

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Organise your stuff and organise your life - you'll soon see the results.

This bright, bold and friendly book tells you exactly how to get your sh*t together to start living the best version of your life.

Super-accessible and practical life hacks are paired with inspiring quotations, stylish design and lots of good sh*t to kick-start the changes.

Get Your Shit Together Zusammenfassung

Get Your Shit Together: How to Change Your Life by Tidying up Your Stuff and Sorting Out Your Head Space Vicki Vrint

'The secret of getting ahead is getting started.' Mark Twain

Organise your stuff and organise your life - you'll soon see the results.

This book tells you exactly how to get your sh*t together, so you can be the best version of yourself.
Use its winning blend of super-achievable life hacks, motivating quotations and lots of good sh*t to kick-start your transformation.

Über Vicki Vrint

Vicki Vrint has been an organisational ninja since she realised that getting her chores done quickly left more time for the fun stuff in life, like alphabetising her food cupboard. She lives in Chichester, where she can be found tidying the displays in local shops and waging war on the clutter that threatens to invade her home.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Get Your Shit Together: How to Change Your Life by Tidying up Your Stuff and Sorting Out Your Head Space Vicki Vrint
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Summersdale Publishers
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