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The Women of Fishers Wharf Tracy Baines

The Women of Fishers Wharf von Tracy Baines

The Women of Fishers Wharf Tracy Baines

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The Women of Fishers Wharf Zusammenfassung

The Women of Fishers Wharf: The start of a historical saga series by Tracy Baines Tracy Baines

Can you leave the past behind and embrace the future? - A brand new series from Tracy Baines.

'A new saga author has arrived. The Women of Fishers Wharf is a joy to read' - AnneMarie Brear

Great Grimsby, 1912
Newlywed fisherman Alec Hardy decides to make a fresh start with his young wife Letty and move to the thriving fishing port of Grimsby in search of a brighter future.
Letty is from farming stock and knows nothing of the hard life as a fishermens wife but is willing to embrace the challenge with Alec.
But where Alec goes, so does his widowed mother, Dorcas and she has trouble coming to terms with taking second place in her sons life.
With Alec at sea for weeks on end, the two women clash and Letty seeks escape from her bitter mother-in-law amongst the streets of Fish Dock Wharf.
Can Letty help them break free from the shadows of the past or will she be bound by Dorcas insistence that they cling to the old ways?

Praise for Tracy Baines:

A saga about ambition, hard work, courage ...and spite. Rosie Clarke
I highly recommend this book. Fenella Miller
An emotional, entertaining read that had me gripped! Sheila Riley
'An absorbing saga. I loved it from the very beginning and would highly recommend it...' Elaine Roberts
'Terrific - beautifully written. A well-crafted and satisfying story' Maisie Thomas
A pleasure from start to finish. Glenda Young
an evocative, busy, entertaining read vying with angst, and of course, more than a dollop of tension. Margaret Graham, Frost Magazine
Characterisation is one of the books strong points the individual characters stay in your mind long after you finish the story. Barbara Dynes, The VoiceI just loved this book! Molly Walton

Über Tracy Baines

Tracy Baines is the bestselling saga writer of The Seaside Girls series. She was born and brought up in Cleethorpes and spent her early years in the theatre world which inspired her writing.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Women of Fishers Wharf: The start of a historical saga series by Tracy Baines Tracy Baines
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Boldwood Books Ltd
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