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A Top Gear Christmas Top Gear

A Top Gear Christmas von Top Gear

A Top Gear Christmas Top Gear

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Contains a platter of tasty treats to take away the sprouty taste of yuletide boredom. This title includes a guide to wrapping presents, a guide to festive jumpers, and the strange secrets of The Stig's Christmas dinner.

A Top Gear Christmas Zusammenfassung

A Top Gear Christmas Top Gear

A Top Gear Christmas contains a whole platter of tasty treats to take away the sprouty taste of yuletide boredom. Inside you'll find Jeremy Clarkson's typically unsubtle guide to wrapping presents, Richard Hammond's insightful guide to festive jumpers, James May's unsuccessful stint as Santa Claus, and the strange secrets of The Stig's Christmas dinner.

There's also a brand new adventure starring everyone's favourite moustachioed 1970s crime fighters, The Interceptors, a unique insight into what the presenters want to find in their stockings, a list of people who won't be receiving a card from Top Gear this Christmas, an exclusive look at the script for a Top Gear pantomime, a guide to cars that make the right impression at a Christmas party and much, much more.

A Top Gear Christmas - It's considerably more fun than slouching in front of a Harry Potter film eating your own body weight in chocolate.

Über Top Gear

Some say that in a previous life he was a muscle car and he can drive a stick only with his left foot. All we know is, he's called The Stig.

Zusätzliche Informationen

A Top Gear Christmas Top Gear
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Ebury Publishing
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