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A Beer in the Loire Tommy Barnes

A Beer in the Loire von Tommy Barnes

A Beer in the Loire Tommy Barnes

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nicht auf Lager


Shortlisted for the Fortnum & Mason Food and Drink Award 2019

A Beer in the Loire Zusammenfassung

A Beer in the Loire Tommy Barnes

Tommy Barnes was fed up; frustrated by his boring job, loathing the daily commute and to cap it all, failing to make it as a stand-up comedian. But he didn't break; he made himself redundant and took off to France with girlfriend Rose. Settled in a dilapidated house in the Loire they are plagued by calamities (mainly of Tommy's making), excitable neighbours, a destructive puppy and an unexpected pregnancy. When it looks like the money has run out. Tommy has an epiphany. Beer will save him, of course it will, it always has. After all there is a craft beer revolutions sweeping the world. Sadly it turns out that 20 years of drinking beer doesn't qualify you to brew it. Featuring colourful characters, a stunning location, and an inspiring collection of beer recipes, this is an irresistible feast

Über Tommy Barnes

Tommy Barnes grew up in Hertfordshire in the 80s. He worked as a graphic designer in London whilst performing as a stand-up comedian in his spare time. Happily made redundant, he set off to find a new life in France with his girlfriend Rose and this is their story.

Zusätzliche Informationen

A Beer in the Loire Tommy Barnes
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Muswell Press
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