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The Information Technology Revolution Tom Forester

The Information Technology Revolution von Tom Forester

The Information Technology Revolution Tom Forester

Zustand - Wie Neu
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This text is aimed at students of information technology, as well as business students and general readers.

The Information Technology Revolution Zusammenfassung

The Information Technology Revolution Tom Forester

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Contents Preface Acknowledgements Editor's introduction Part I The Computer Revolution 1 Introduction to information technology 2 Artificial intelligence and the Fifth Generation 3 The telecommunications explosion Part II The Human Interface 4 Computers in the home 5 Computers in schools 6 Factory automation 7 Office of the future 8 Banks, shops hospitals Part III The impact on work 9 Employment: the quantity of work 10 Skills: the quality of work 11 Management and Labor: the organization of work Part IV Implications for Society 12 Social problems 13 Global issues 14 Parameters of the post-industrial society General guide to further reading Index.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Information Technology Revolution Tom Forester
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
John Wiley and Sons Ltd
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