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Genesis for Everyone The Revd Dr John Goldingay

Genesis for Everyone von The Revd Dr John Goldingay

Genesis for Everyone The Revd Dr John Goldingay

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The first in a major new series of guides to the books of the Old Testament written in an accessible and anecdotal style. The series is suitable for personal or group use and the format is also appropriate for daily study.

Genesis for Everyone Zusammenfassung

Genesis for Everyone: Part 2 Chapters 17-50 The Revd Dr John Goldingay

The first in a major new series of guides to the books of the Old Testament written in an accessible and anecdotal style. The series is suitable for personal or group use and the format is also appropriate for daily study. In this second of his studies of Genesis, John Goldingay continues to accompany us as we read of the trials and victories of a people learning about God and his relationship with them, both in the grand sweep of history and in the everyday events of their lives. Using personal anecdote, a witty and lively style, and drawing on his considerable theological knowledge, John Goldingay takes us deep into the unfolding story. He explores the character and nature of the God we meet so powerfully in that opening line, the God we can encounter daily on the journey through this revelatory book. And, as Professor Goldingay guides us in our understanding of these time-honoured words and the ancient world they describe, he helps us to apply what we read to our lives. This series offers a natural progression from the successful 'For Everyone' series of New Testament translations and commentaries.

Über The Revd Dr John Goldingay

John Goldingay is the David Allan Hubbard Professor of Old Testament in the School of Theology at the Fuller Theological Seminar in the United States. Prior to this he was principal and a professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at St John's Theological College in Nottingham. He is the author of many books, including Old Testament Theology Vol. 1, Walk On (2002), as well as commentaries on Daniel, Isaiah and Psalms. He holds membership in the Society of Biblical Literature and serves on the editorial board for the Library of Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament Studies.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Genesis for Everyone: Part 2 Chapters 17-50 The Revd Dr John Goldingay
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
SPCK Publishing
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