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The Remarriage Manual Terry Gaspard

The Remarriage Manual von Terry Gaspard

The Remarriage Manual Terry Gaspard

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Remarriages are harder than firsts. Discover 10 keys to success-covering sex, communication, money, step-kids, and more.

The Remarriage Manual Zusammenfassung

The Remarriage Manual: How to Make Everything Work Better the Second Time Around Terry Gaspard

Remarriages are harder than firsts. Discover 10 keys to success-covering sex, communication, money, step-kids, and more. Love may be sweeter the second (or third) time around, but once the bliss wears off, the reality of joining two distinct worlds sets in, writes marriage and family therapist Terry Gaspard. She knows all the pitfalls and landmines. She has counseled couples for over 30 years and conducted original research, and her blogs for top websites are read and shared by hundreds of thousands. In The Remarriage Manual, Gaspard shows couples how to manage the 10 areas that most threaten second marriages. Unfinished business with exes (and other old baggage), pressures of dealing with debt and handling money, blending families, finding time and space for sex, managing conflict, and more can strain second marriages to the breaking point. We might joke that marriage should come with a manual, but for remarriages it's essential. The divorce rate is 60 percent compared to 50 percent for firsts. The tips and tools Gaspard offers have directed countless remarried couples toward lasting happiness, including the author and her husband. The Remarriage Manual provides everything a couple needs to inspire or repair their second marriage. Therapists, divorce lawyers, and clergy will also find crucial insights for helping their clients.

Über Terry Gaspard

Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW, is a therapist, author, and college instructor. Two of Terry's research studies have been published in the Journal of Divorce & Remarriage. She blogs regularly at nine prominent websites by invitation, including Gottman.com, Patheos, marriage.com, The Good Men Project, Divorced Moms, Divorce Magazine, and HuffPost. She lives in Rhode Island and can be found online at movingpastdivorce.com.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Remarriage Manual: How to Make Everything Work Better the Second Time Around Terry Gaspard
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