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Tripping the Prom Queen Susan Shapiro Barash

Tripping the Prom Queen von Susan Shapiro Barash

Tripping the Prom Queen Susan Shapiro Barash

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Based on interviews with women across a social spectrum, the author has discovered that the competition between women is more vicious precisely because it is covert. She tells us: why women can't and won't admit to rivalry; how women are trained from an early age to compete with one another; and, in which areas women most heatedly compete.

Tripping the Prom Queen Zusammenfassung

Tripping the Prom Queen: The Truth About Women and Rivalry Susan Shapiro Barash

Susan Shapiro Barash has exploded the myth that women help one another, are supportive of one another, and want each other to succeed. Based on interviews with women across a broad social spectrum, she has discovered that the competition between women is more vicious precisely because it is covert. She tells us: why women can't and won't admit to rivalry; how women are trained from an early age to compete with one another; in which areas women most heatedly compete; how rivalry is different among women than among men; the differences between competition, envy, and jealousy; when competition is healthy and when it isn't; why women find it irresistible to "trip the prom queen"; and, useful strategies to stop the competition and forge a new kind of relationship with other women. Whether you've tripped the prom queen or been tripped yourself, you will discover an engrossing exploration of this female phenomenon, as well as a beacon of hope for better, more fulfilling relationships.

Tripping the Prom Queen Bewertungen

"A must-read." --Rosalind Wiseman, author of Queen Bees And Wannabees

Über Susan Shapiro Barash

Susan Shapiro Barash is the author of eight previous books and a professor of Critical Thinking/Gender Studies at Marymount Manhattan College. As a well-recognized gender expert, she is frequently sought out by newspapers, television shows, and radio programs to comment on women's issues. She lives in New York City.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Tripping the Prom Queen: The Truth About Women and Rivalry Susan Shapiro Barash
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Griffin Publishing
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