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Commando Country Stuart Allan

Commando Country von Stuart Allan

Commando Country Stuart Allan

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The Scottish highlands played a pivotal role in the secret development of special service training during the Second World War. This book looks at the variety of special training establishments set up, and at how use was made of the landscape and coastline and of specialist civilian skills such as stalking and mountaineering.

Commando Country Zusammenfassung

Commando Country Stuart Allan

The Scottish highlands played a pivotal role in the secret development of special service training during the Second World War. The remote and rough terrain came into its own as a training and testing ground for new types of fighting. Commando Country looks at the variety of special training establishments set up (mostly highland shooting lodges), and at how use was made of the landscape and coastline and of specialist civilian skills such as stalking and mountaineering. It stresses how these new methods of warfare, tested in Scotland, spread internationally into the present day elite status of 'special forces' world-wide.The story involves many famous names from a variety of backgrounds such as actors David Niven and Alec Guinness, mountaineer John Hunt, and polar explorer Martin Lindsay, as well as famous military figures such as David Stirling, founder of the SAS and Special Operations Executive agent Violet Szabo. Conveying the atmosphere of remote highland locations, the book makes strong use of photographs and personal testimony collected from those involved, bringing a unique Scottish perspective to a popular subject.

Commando Country Bewertungen

'Given its perspective and provenance, Commando Country could have been merely one more parochial and romanticized Highland tale. Stuart Allan has avoided this pitfall, however, and his work not only is a very useful, details, and readable overview of a largely neglected aspect of the history of British Special Operations Forces during the Second World War, but also provides a useful starting point for further research via the thorough and extensive footnote.' War in History ' ... a history that's rich in technical detail, yet, thankfully, remains subservient to the story of the people.' The Herald'... This well-researched book is worthy of its exciting subject. Recommended.'Colonel Oliver Lindsay, The Guards Magazine

Über Stuart Allan

Stuart Allan is Senior Curator of Military History with National Museums Scotland.


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Zusätzliche Informationen

Commando Country Stuart Allan
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
NMSE - Publishing Ltd
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