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Build Your Sales Tribe Steve Schrier

Build Your Sales Tribe von Steve Schrier

Build Your Sales Tribe Steve Schrier

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A Thinkers50 title: aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders, this is a fresh, practical guide to building an effective sales team in the information age

Build Your Sales Tribe Zusammenfassung

Build Your Sales Tribe: Sales in the Information Age Steve Schrier

The Business Book Awards 2022 Finalist

The world of sales is undergoing a massive change: the world is getting smaller, data is getting bigger, communication is becoming easier, and buyers are empowered like never before.

Build Your Sales Tribe is a manual for navigating this change and bringing your business into the future. It is based on a fundamental tenet: if you don't have a solid commercial approach, scaling a business is near impossible. In the Information Age, generalist salespeople for 'simple sales', those used by most business-to-consumer (B2C) and some business-to-business (B2B) organisations, are becoming redundant. Businesses need the right approach to more complex sales - one that has value for both the buyer and seller.

This book guides the reader through setting up functions and foundations that will allow them to build a successful approach to sales and find the right salespeople for the job. It delivers advice and offers a series of practical projects on a wide range of topics from interview questions to targeting customers, pricing models to measurement, ethical approaches in selling to diversity and inclusion, negotiation techniques to account management and much, much more.

Über Steve Schrier

Steve Schrier has held multinational commercial roles for over twenty-five years. His journey has taken him from start-up to exit several times focusing on high growth through proven commercial engagement techniques. Steve believes that, as the information age accelerates, many B2B companies will continue to face serious challenges in forming and running a successful commercial approach. In this book are the tools he would like to share with any B2B company looking for a commercial structure to take their business on a high-growth path.


Zusätzliche Informationen

Build Your Sales Tribe: Sales in the Information Age Steve Schrier
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
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