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Teaching Geography Creatively Zusammenfassung

Teaching Geography Creatively Stephen Scoffham (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.)

Teaching Geography Creatively was Winner of the Geographical Association Gold Award 2014 and Winner of the Geographical Association Silver Award 2017.

This fully updated second edition of Teaching Geography Creatively is a stimulating source of guidance for busy trainee and experienced teachers. Packed full of practical approaches for bringing the teaching of geography to life, it offers a range of innovative ideas for exploring physical geography, human geography and environmental issues.

Underpinned by the very latest research and theory, expert authors from schools and universities explore the inter-relationship between creativity and learning, and consider how creativity can enhance pupils' motivation, self-image and well-being. Two brand new chapters focus on creative approaches to learning about the physical world, as well as the value of alternative learning settings.

Further imaginative ideas include:

  • games and starter activities as entry points for creative learning
  • how to keep geography messy
  • the outdoors and learning beyond the classroom
  • how to teach geography using your local area
  • the links between geography and other areas of the curriculum
  • looking at geography, creativity and the future
  • fun and games in geography
  • engaging with the world through picture-books
  • teaching about sustainability.

With contemporary, cutting-edge practice at the forefront, Teaching Geography Creatively is an essential read for all trainee and practicing teachers, offering a variety of practical strategies to create a fun and stimulating learning environment. In the process it offers a pedagogy that respects the integrity of children as joyful and imaginative learners and which offers a vision of how geography can contribute to constructing a better and more equitable world.

Über Stephen Scoffham (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.)

Stephen Scoffham is a visiting reader in sustainability and education at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK. A leading member of the Geographical Association, he is the author of many books for teachers and children on primary geography, and a school atlas consultant.


  1. Geography and creativity: making connections STEPHEN SCOFFHAM
  2. Fun and games in geography TERRY WHYTE
  3. Engaging with the world through picture-books ANNE M. DOLAN
  4. Playful approaches to learning out of doors SHARON WITT
  5. Mental maps: Learning about places around the world SIMON CATLING
  6. Represent places in maps and art MARGARET MACKINTOSH
  7. Landscapes and sweet geography NIKI WHITBURN
  8. Creative approaches to learning about the physical world SUSAN PIKE
  9. Geography and history in the local area ANTHONY BARLOW
  10. Geography and mathematics: a creative approach JANE WHITTLE
  11. Geography and the creative arts JULIA TANNER
  12. Geography and music; a creative journey ARTHUR KELLY
  13. Geography and sustainability education PAULA OWENS
  14. Keeping geography messy STEPHEN PICKERING
  15. Inside, outside and beyond the classroom STEPHEN SCOFFHAM
  16. Geography, creativity and the future STEPHEN SCOFFHAM AND JONATHAN BARNES

Zusätzliche Informationen

Teaching Geography Creatively Stephen Scoffham (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.)
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