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Bipolar Disorder Sarah Owen

Bipolar Disorder von Sarah Owen

Bipolar Disorder Sarah Owen

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Updated edition of one of the most respected introductions to Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder Zusammenfassung

Bipolar Disorder: The Ultimate Guide Sarah Owen

Written in a highly-accessible question and answer format, this comprehensive and compassionate guide draws on the latest research, a broad range of expert opinion, numerous real-life voices and personal experiences from people with bipolar. With a list of useful resources, it is both the perfect first port of call and a reference bible you can refer to time and time again.

From how to recognize the symptoms to how to explain to a child that their parent has been diagnosed, first cousins Amanda and Sarah - who have four close family members diagnosed with the condition - explore and explain absolutely everything that someone with bipolar disorder (and those who live with and love them) needs to know.

Bipolar Disorder Bewertungen

This excellent new guide to bipolar is structured around the kind of key questions that anyone encountering the condition for the first time would want to ask.

* Pendulum - The Journal of MDF The Bipolar Organisation *

With its useful glossary and many in-line notes of explanation, this book could provide a good initial orientation to bipolar disorder for the newly-diagnosed, their families and carers.

* Your Voice - Member Magazine *

Über Sarah Owen

Sarah Owen began her career in journalism in 1994 at Cosmopolitan magazine, before going freelance and writing health and wellbeing features for a range of newspapers and glossy magazines, including the Express, Daily Mail, Sunday Times, Marie Claire and Psychologies. Sarah has also been involved in creating online content and patient support programmes to help people manage long-term health conditions.

Amanda Saunders has worked as a writer, editor and senior communications professional for almost thirty years. This has included writing for the National Childbirth Trust and working as head of internal communications at the London School of Economics, before more recently becoming a deputy director of communications at the House of Commons, a non-political role.

The authors are first cousins and four members of their close family (Amanda's mum; Sarah's sister and late dad; their shared grandfather) have bipolar disorder.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Bipolar Disorder: The Ultimate Guide Sarah Owen
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Oneworld Publications
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