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Grasp Sanjay Sarma

Grasp von Sanjay Sarma

Grasp Sanjay Sarma

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In the spirit of Thinking, Fast and Slow, a groundbreaking look at the science of learning -how it's transforming education and how we can use it to discover our true potential, as individuals and across society by a renowned MIT professor.

Grasp Zusammenfassung

Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn Sanjay Sarma

'Sarma's book may be the most important work on education written this century' - Skeptic

As the head of Open Learning at MIT, Sanjay Sarma has a daunting job description: to fling open the doors of the MIT experience for the benefit of the wider world. But if you're going to undertake such an ambitious project, you must first ask: How exactly does learning work? What conditions are most conducive? Are our traditional classroom methods - lecture, homework, test, repeat - actually effective? And if not, which techniques are?

Grasp takes readers across multiple frontiers, from fundamental neuroscience to cognitive psychology and beyond, as it explores the future of learning. For instance:

* Scientists are studying the role of forgetting, exposing it not as a simple failure of memory but a critical weapon in our learning arsenal
* New developments in neuroimaging are helping us understand how reading works in the brain. It's become possible to identify children who might benefit from specialised dyslexia interventions - before they learn to read
* Many schools have begun converting to flipped classrooms, in which you watch a lesson at home, then do your 'homework' in class

Along the way, Sarma debunks long-held views such as the noxious idea of 'learning styles,' while equipping readers with a set of practical tools for absorbing and retaining information across a lifetime of learning. He presents a vision for learning that's more inclusive and democratic - revealing a world bursting with powerful learners, just waiting for the chance they deserve.

Drawing from the author's experience as an educator and the work of researchers and educational innovators at MIT and beyond, Grasp offers scientific and practical insight, promising not just to inform and entertain readers but to open their minds.

Grasp Bewertungen

'Sarma's book may be the most important work on education written this century' - Skeptic
'Compelling... Delightful as well as convincing in its plea that educators place learning over winnowing and access over exclusivity' - Kirkus
'Grasp is an absolute pleasure to read ... An important contribution to the literature on learning science and higher education change ... Grasp can provide the foundations of what learning-science-informed teaching might look like, with some fantastic real-world examples' - Inside Higher Ed
'A remarkable book, both lively and scholarly. I strongly recommend it for anyone interested in the history of ideas about learning and who is interested in improving teaching and learning' - Henry L. Roediger, III, co-author of Make it Stick
'An amazing book... The authors provide an overview of the neural and cognitive processes that support learning...They make a convincing case that students have an amazing capacity to learn' - Robert A. Bjork, Distinguished Research Professor of Psychology, UCLA

Über Sanjay Sarma

Sanjay Sarma (Author)
SANJAY SARMA is the head of Open Learning at MIT. A professor of mechanical engineering by training, he has worked in the fields of energy and transportation; computational geometry; computer assisted design; and has been a pioneer in RFID technology. He has advanced degrees from Carnegie Mellon and UC Berkeley.

Luke Yoquinto (Author)
LUKE YOQUINTO is a science writer who covers learning and education, as well as aging and demographic change in his role as a researcher at the MIT AgeLab. His work can be found in publications such as The Washington Post, Slate, The Wall Street Journal, and The Atlantic. He is a graduate of Boston University's science journalism program.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn Sanjay Sarma
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Little, Brown Book Group
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