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The Digital Marketing Handbook Robert W Bly

The Digital Marketing Handbook von Robert W Bly

The Digital Marketing Handbook Robert W Bly

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The Digital Marketing Handbook Zusammenfassung

The Digital Marketing Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Websites That Sell Robert W Bly

What's Your Website's ROI?

Written to help marketers-from the Fortune 1000 to small business owners and solopreneurs-turn their websites from cost centers to profit centers, The Digital Marketing Handbook by legendary copywriting pioneer and marketing expert Robert W. Bly teaches you the proven models and processes for generating a steady stream of traffic, conversions, leads, opt-ins, and sales.

Whether you are marketing an online-based business, brick-and-mortar store, or a hybrid business, Bly will teach you how to:
  • Integrate a digital marketing plan with traditional marketing outreach efforts
  • Maximize open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and sales
  • Avoid the most common internet marketing mistakes that cause people to fail online
  • Build a large and responsive opt-in email list
  • Master Google AdWords, Facebook Advertising, and other traffic-generating tactics
  • Drive quality leads to your online and offline storefronts
  • Produce brand awareness and generate leads with Snapchat, Instagram, Periscope, Pinterest, and other social media platforms
  • Design hub sites, landing pages, and squeeze pages guaranteed to bring in leads
Plus, Bly shares tested direct response methods that can increase your online revenues by 50, 100, and even 200 percent along with an extensive resource section to give your website a competitive edge.

Über Robert W Bly

Robert W. Bly is an independent copywriter and marketing consultant with more than 35 years of experience in business-to-business and direct response marketing. He has worked with over 100 clients including IBM, AT&T, Embraer Executive Jet, Intuit, Boardroom, Grumman and more. Praised by David Ogilvy, his work includes more than 90 books and regular columns for Target Marketing Magazine and The Direct Response Letter. He resides in Montville, NJ.


Chapter 1: Choosing Your Online Business Model
Chapter 2: The P = S - E Formula for Maximizing Website ROI
Chapter 3: Marketing Funnels for Consumer Products
Chapter 4: Marketing Funnels for Business-to-Business
Chapter 5: Marketing Funnels for Service Firms
Chapter 6: Driving Traffic to Your Website with Online Marketing
Chapter 7: Driving Traffic to Your Website with Offline Marketing
Chapter 8: Winning with Blogging and Social Media Marketing
Chapter 9: Building Your Opt-In List
Chapter 10: Hub Sites, Landing Pages (Microsites), and Squeeze Pages
Chapter 11: Publishing an Online Newsletter
Chapter 12: Making Sales with Email Marketing
Chapter 13: Auto-Responders and Upsells
Chapter 14: Joint Ventures, Affiliate Marketing, and Licensing
Chapter 15: Membership Sites
Appendix A: Recommended Vendors
Appendix B: Software and Services
Appendix C: Sample Infographic
About the Author

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Digital Marketing Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Websites That Sell Robert W Bly
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Entrepreneur Press
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