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Philosophy Hacks Robert Arp

Philosophy Hacks von Robert Arp

Philosophy Hacks Robert Arp

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100 ingenious hacks to make even the most complex philosophical theories easy to understand.

Philosophy Hacks Zusammenfassung

Philosophy Hacks Robert Arp

Discover the simple way to understand and remember the most groundbreaking concepts in 3,000 years of philosophical thought.

Each idea is broken down into three stages:

1/ The helicopter view, which gives you an introduction to the idea, and some context around it.
2/ The shortcut, which gives you the core elements of the theory, along with a range of examples that everyone can understand.
3/ The hack, which is a one-liner designed to stick in your memory and give you an instant grasp of the concept.

From Pascal's Wager to Kant's categorical imperative, and from Camus's Existential Nihilism to Arendt's Banality of Evil, there are 100 concepts explained.

The perfect introduction to philosophy, this is a great new way to learn about the most important philosophical ideas and concepts in a way that makes them easy to recall even months after reading the book.

Über Robert Arp

Robert Arp, PhD, is the author or editor of more than three dozen books and close to 100 articles in philosophy and other areas of the humanities. He works for the United States Department of Defense as an analyst by day, while teaching philosophy and humanities courses to graduate students and undergraduate students in the evening and online. He lives with his wife and two children outside of Kansas City, Missouri.

Martin Cohen is an author, editor and educationalist who has written many books in philosophy and social science including the bestsellers, 101 Philosophy Problems (Routledge) and Wittgenstein's Beetle (Blackwell), both widely translated, as well as two reference works for the Dummies series. He works partly in the UK and in France where he lives with his wife, one young philosopher and a cat. His latest book is I Think Therefore I Eat (Turner, 2018).

Zusätzliche Informationen

Philosophy Hacks Robert Arp
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Octopus Publishing Group
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