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Travel and Tourism Richard Sharpley

Travel and Tourism von Richard Sharpley

Travel and Tourism Richard Sharpley

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Offers an introduction to the subject of travel and tourism that helps readers extend their understanding of key concepts and enhance their thinking skills in line with course requirements. This book provides support on how to revise for exams, how to present calculations and how to prepare for and write assessed pieces.

Travel and Tourism Zusammenfassung

Travel and Tourism Richard Sharpley

The SAGE Course Companion in Travel and Tourism is an accessible introduction to the subject that will help readers extend their understanding of key concepts and enhance their thinking skills in line with course requirements. It provides support on how to revise for exams, how to present calculations and how to prepare for and write assessed pieces. Readers are encouraged not only to think like a Travel and Tourism professional but also to think about the subject critically.

Designed to complement existing textbooks for the course, the companion provides:

- Easy access to the key themes in Travel and Tourism and an overview of its business context

- Helpful summaries of the approach taken by the main textbooks on the course

- Guidance on the essential study skills required to pass the course

- Sample exam questions and answers, with common pitfalls to avoid

- A tutor's-eye view of what course examiners are looking for

- A road map for the book to help readers quickly find the information they need

The SAGE Course Companion in Travel and Tourism is much more than a revision guide for undergraduates; it is an essential tool that will help readers take their course understanding to new levels and achieve success in their undergraduate course.


PART ONE: INTRODUCING YOUR COMPANION PART TWO: CORE AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM Introducing Travel and Tourism Global Tourism The Demand for Travel and Tourism Tourist Motivation The Travel and Tourism Industry Transport for Travel and Tourism Air Transport Accommodation Attractions Tour Operations Travel and Tourism Retailing Marketing in Travel and Tourism Strategy in Travel and Tourism Economics of Travel and Tourism Tourism and Development Planning Travel and Tourism Tourism and the Environment Tourism, Society and Culture Visitor Management Urban Tourism Rural Tourism Contemporary Issues in Travel and Tourism PART THREE: STUDY AND REVISION SKILLS How to Get the Most Out of Your Lectures - (in collaboration with David McIlroy) How to Make the Most of your Seminars Essay-Writing Tips Revision Hints and Tips Exam Tips Tips on Interpreting Essay and Exam Questions PART FOUR: GLOSSARY

Zusätzliche Informationen

Travel and Tourism Richard Sharpley
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
SAGE Publications Inc
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