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In Which They Served Richard Cullen

In Which They Served von Richard Cullen

In Which They Served Richard Cullen

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In Which They Served Zusammenfassung

In Which They Served: The stories of five men and women of the Great War as told by their medals Richard Cullen

There are many books about Great War heroes. Relatively few are written about survivors and even fewer detail their whole lives or the wider context of their service. In this approach to the Great War, Richard Cullen takes the reader through history, led by the medals of five who served, each decorated for distinguished service; to wide-ranging political and military contexts, the personal side of their lives in war and peace, and the untold contributions that they made. What do the medals tell about the people who wore them? Where did they serve? How full were there lives? What wider historical and tactical contexts surrounded them? Readers will learn of aspects of service, battles and ways of making war that they might otherwise not have found in one place; philanthropy, volunteering, care for the injured, supplying an army, the dangerous monotony of the trenches, the Allied Intervention in the Russian civil war. Each of the subjects covered here led diverse lives. They served on land, in the air, and later at sea. Their stories are untold and open our eyes to the struggles that so many faced without formal recognition. In these varied and multi-layered accounts are tales of sadness, power struggle, modesty and compassion, bravery and a fulfilled post-war life.

Über Richard Cullen

Richard Cullen caught the collecting bug as a young schoolboy while spending hours rummaging around junk shops. This included books about armies and battles, spawning a lifelong interest in military history. After forty years of international consulting work, he began to research the recipients of medals in his own collection and years of writing technical reports made way for crafting stories about them. Richard lives in Oxford where he is a member of a writers' group and he also produces the Journal on behalf of the Orders & Medals Research Society.

Zusätzliche Informationen

In Which They Served: The stories of five men and women of the Great War as told by their medals Richard Cullen
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Unicorn Publishing Group
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