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Maths Hacks Richard Cochrane

Maths Hacks von Richard Cochrane

Maths Hacks Richard Cochrane

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100 ingenious hacks to make even the most complex mathematical theories easy to understand.

Maths Hacks Zusammenfassung

Maths Hacks Richard Cochrane

Everything you need to know about 100 key mathematical concepts condensed into easy-to-understand sound bites designed to stick in your memory and give you an instant grasp of the concept.

On each topic, you'll start with a helicopter overview of the subject, which will give you an introduction to the idea and some context surrounding it. Next, you'll zoom in on the core elements of the theory, with clear explanation of each point to make sure you really understand the concept, along with simple examples that everyone can follow. Finally, you'll be given a one-liner hack to really make the theory stick in your mind.

The perfect introduction to algebra, logic, probability and much more, this is a great new way to learn about the most important mathematical ideas and concepts in a way that makes them easy to recall even months after reading the book.

Topics covered include:
Computer science
Applied mathematics
Set Theory

Über Richard Cochrane

Richard Cochrane is a writer and educator. He devises and teaches innovative maths courses for artists at Central Saint Martins, London, and lectures in maths and philosophy at City Lit. He has been commissioned by, among others, the Museum of London to bring cultural history - including maths - to a wider audience.
Richard has written books on literature, music and computing and has for many years organized public educational events in public houses and cafes in London. He also spent a decade working in the City, writing software for derivatives trading floors, which is how he discovered that maths was a lot more interesting than it seemed to be at school, and he has degrees in both maths and English literature and a PhD in philosophy. Richard is the author of The Secret Life of Equations, published by Cassell.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Maths Hacks Richard Cochrane
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Octopus Publishing Group
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