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The French Wars of Religion, 1559-98 R. J. Knecht

The French Wars of Religion, 1559-98 von R. J. Knecht

The French Wars of Religion, 1559-98 R. J. Knecht

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Taken from a series which provides analyses of complex issues in A level modern history topics, this book looks at the France during 1559-1598. It examines the effects of the civil war - political, economic and social - and considers the extent of the kingdom's recovery under Henry IV.

The French Wars of Religion, 1559-98 Zusammenfassung

The French Wars of Religion, 1559-98 R. J. Knecht

This book comes from a series which provides analyses of complex issues and problems in important A level modern history topics. Using supporting documents, the book gives students an account of the historical facts and an understanding of the central themes and differing interpretations. This book aims to present as concisely as possible one of the most turbulent periods in French history, when the monarchy almost collapsed as a consequence of a series of bitter civil wars, exacerbated by massacres and political assassinations. It examines the effects of the civil war - political, economic and social - and considers the extent of the kingdoms recovery under Henry IV. Also appearing in this book, and for the first time in English, are a selection of extracts from primary sources illustrating the various aspects of the war.


Part 1 The growth of Calvinism: the early French Reformation; John Calvin (1509-64); the creation of a militant church. Part 2 The nobility in crisis: Calvinism and the nobility; the growth of faction; analysis. Part 3 The crisis of 1559-60. Part 4 Catherine de Medici and the colloquy. Part 5 The first three religious wars: the first war; the second war; the third war. Part 6 The Catholic league. Part 7 Contrasting ideologies: the Huguenot doctrine of resistance; the political thought of the Catholic League. Part 8 Paris is worth a Mass - the triumph of Henry of Navarre: the edict of Nantes (13 April 1598); assessment. Part 9 The destructiveness of the wars: political effects; social and economic effects; recovery; documents; genealogies - the later Valois, the house of Guise-Lorraine, the house of Montmorency, the house of Bourbon-Vendome.

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The French Wars of Religion, 1559-98 R. J. Knecht
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Pearson Education Limited
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