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ZeroMQ Pieter Hintjens

ZeroMQ von Pieter Hintjens

ZeroMQ Pieter Hintjens

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Dive into A MQ (aka ZeroMQ), the smart socket library that gives you fast, easy, message-based concurrency for your applications. With this quick-paced guide, you'll learn hands-on how to use this scalable, lightweight, and highly flexible networking tool for exchanging messages among clusters, the cloud, and other multi-system environments

ZeroMQ Zusammenfassung

ZeroMQ: Messaging for Many Applications Pieter Hintjens

Dive into A MQ (aka ZeroMQ), the smart socket library that gives you fast, easy, message-based concurrency for your applications. With this quick-paced guide, you'll learn hands-on how to use this scalable, lightweight, and highly flexible networking tool for exchanging messages among clusters, the cloud, and other multi-system environments. A MQ maintainer Pieter Hintjens takes you on a tour of real-world applications, using extended examples in C to help you work with A MQ's API, sockets, and patterns. Learn how to use specific A MQ programming techniques, build multithreaded applications, and create your own messaging architectures. You'll discover how A MQ works with several programming languages and most operating systems - with little or no cost. Learn A MQ's main patterns: request-reply, publish-subscribe, and pipeline Work with A MQ sockets and patterns by building several small applications Explore advanced uses of A MQ's request-reply pattern through working examples Build reliable request-reply patterns that keep working when code or hardware fails Extend A MQ's core pub-sub patterns for performance, reliability, state distribution, and monitoring Learn techniques for building a distributed architecture with A MQ Discover what's required to build a general-purpose framework for distributed applications

Über Pieter Hintjens

Pieter Hintjens started his first business making video games 30 years ago and has been building software products since then. Taking as his principle, the real physics of software is the physics of people, he focuses now on building communities through Social Architecture, writing, and helping others use ZeroMQ profitably. For two years he was president of the FFII, a large NGO fighting software patents. He was CEO of Wikidot, founder of the European Patent Conference, and founder of the Digital Standards Organization. Pieter speaks English, French, Dutch, and bits and pieces of a dozen other languages. He plays with a West African drum group in Brussels and is becoming a licensed NRA pistol instructor in Texas. Pieter lives with his beautiful wife and three lovely children in Brussels, Belgium and travels extensively.

Zusätzliche Informationen

ZeroMQ: Messaging for Many Applications Pieter Hintjens
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O'Reilly Media
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