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Wingate's Lost Brigade: the First Chindit Operations 1943 Philip Chinnery

Wingate's Lost Brigade: the First Chindit Operations 1943 von Philip Chinnery

Wingate's Lost Brigade: the First Chindit Operations 1943 Philip Chinnery

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Wingate's Lost Brigade: the First Chindit Operations 1943 Zusammenfassung

Wingate's Lost Brigade: the First Chindit Operations 1943 Philip Chinnery

With the Japanese seemingly unbeatable after their conquest of Malaya, Singapore, Thailand and much of Burma, Orde Wingate's plans to conduct long range deep penetration operations behind Japanese lines in Burma were audacious to say the least. His Chindit operations (so called after Chindwin River) were hugely demanding on those taking part who suffered terrible deprivation in the harsh climatic and jungle conditions. While costly in terms of lives lost, the Chindits operations inflicted damage to the Japanese and raised Allied morale.The author has compiled a fascinating account of Wingate's 77 Brigade using the personal accounts of survivors, as well as Wingate's own report and post-war interrogation of Japanese generals. A remarkable story emerges of survival, courage and extreme hardship. The author evaluates the successes and failures of the mission.Philip Chinnery has been writing on military and aviation subjects for 25 years. This is his 12th book. He lives at Hayes, Middlesex.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Wingate's Lost Brigade: the First Chindit Operations 1943 Philip Chinnery
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Pen & Sword Books Ltd
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