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Haunted Ipswich Pete Jennings

Haunted Ipswich von Pete Jennings

Haunted Ipswich Pete Jennings

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Haunted Ipswich

Haunted Ipswich Zusammenfassung

Haunted Ipswich Pete Jennings

The historic county town of Ipswich is home to ghosts, witches, orbs and poltergeists. In this new book, veteran local guide and researcher Pete Jennings takes the reader on a chilling ghost tour around the town, providing a journey into the unknown and an insight into the unexplained. From heart-stopping accounts of apparitions, manifestations and related supernatural phenomena to first-hand encounters with spectres and spirits, this collection of stories contains both new and well-known spooky stories. These stories represent the culmination of forty years of research into Ipswich's paranormal history and are sure to fascinate anyone with an interest in the town.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Haunted Ipswich Pete Jennings
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
The History Press Ltd
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