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The Birth Partner 5th Edition Penny Simkin

The Birth Partner 5th Edition von Penny Simkin

The Birth Partner 5th Edition Penny Simkin

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The Birth Partner is an accessible resource for spouses, partners, and others who accompany an expectant mother through labor and birth, and an essential guide for doulas, midwives, and educators.

The Birth Partner 5th Edition Zusammenfassung

The Birth Partner 5th Edition: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Partners, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions Penny Simkin

Since the original publication of The Birth Partner, partners, friends, relatives, and doulas have relied on Penny Simkin's guidance in caring for the new mother, from her last trimester through the early postpartum period.

Now fully revised in its fifth edition, The Birth Partner remains the definitive guide to helping a woman through labor and birth, and the essential manual to have at hand during the event. The Birth Partner includes thorough information on:

  • Preparing for labor and knowing when it has begun
  • Normal labor and how to help the woman every step of the way
  • Epidurals and other medications for labor
  • Pitocin and other means, including natural ones, to induce or speed up labor
  • Non-drug techniques for easing labor pain
  • Cesarean birth and complications that may require it
  • Breastfeeding and newborn care
  • and much more
For the partner who wishes to be truly helpful in the birthing room, this book is indispensable.

Über Penny Simkin

Penny Simkin, PT, is a physical therapist, childbirth educator, doula, and birth counselor. She is nationally recognized as a premier authority on childbirth, having helped 9,000 expecting women and birth partners in childbirth and attended hundreds of couples though the birth process. Simkin is a prolific author and serves on more than 10 different consultant and editorial boards, including the journal Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care, The International Childbirth Education Association, and The Seattle Midwifery School, where she also provides training for doulas and lectures to students. She has written myriad books, journal, and magazine articles. Simkin is also co-founder of DONA International (formerly Doulas of North America) and The Pacific Association for Labor Support. In addition to providing childbirth education, birth counseling, and labor support, Simkin travels extensively throughout the country, lecturing and presenting at conferences and workshops. For more information, please visit Simkin's website at pennysimkin.com.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Birth Partner 5th Edition: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Partners, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions Penny Simkin
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Harvard Common Press,U.S.
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