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Survivor Song Paul Tremblay

Survivor Song von Paul Tremblay

Survivor Song Paul Tremblay

Zustand - Wie Neu
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A riveting novel of suspense and terror from the Bram Stoker award-winning author of The Cabin at the End of the World and A Head Full of Ghosts.

Survivor Song Zusammenfassung

Survivor Song Paul Tremblay

A riveting novel of suspense and terror from the Bram Stoker award-winning author of The Cabin at the End of the World and A Head Full of Ghosts. When it happens, it happens quickly. New England is locked down, a strict curfew the only way to stem the wildfire spread of a rabies-like virus. The hospitals cannot cope with the infected, as the pathogen's ferociously quick incubation period overwhelms the state. The veneer of civilisation is breaking down as people live in fear of everyone around them. Staying inside is the only way to keep safe. But paediatrician Ramola Sherman can't stay safe, when her friend Natalie calls - her husband is dead, she's eight months pregnant, and she's been bitten. She is thrust into a desperate race to bring Natalie and her unborn child to a hospital, to try and save both their lives. Their once familiar home has becoming a violent and strange place, twisted in to a barely recognisable landscape. What should have been a simple, joyous journey becomes a brutal trial.

Über Paul Tremblay

Paul Tremblay has won the Bram Stoker and British Fantasy awards and is the author of Disappearance at Devil's Rock, A Head Full of Ghosts, and The Cabin at the End of the World. He is currently a member of the board of directors for the Shirley Jackson Awards, and his essays and short fiction have appeared in Entertainment Weekly.com, and numerous year's-best anthologies. He lives outside Boston with his family.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Survivor Song Paul Tremblay
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Titan Books Ltd
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