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Combles: Somme Paul Reed

Combles: Somme von Paul Reed

Combles: Somme Paul Reed

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Combles: Somme Zusammenfassung

Combles: Somme Paul Reed

Combles was the largest village on the Somme in 1916 and fighting for its possession began in September 1916.Flanked by two large woods to the west - Bouleaux ('Bully') and Leuze ('Lousy') - these became the front line where men of the 56th (London) Division fought and died. Among them was Major Cedric Dickens, grandson of the famous author, Charles Dickens. The bastion of Combles finally fell to a combined English and French attack, and tanks were used here in their first action on the Western Front. Today the woods have regrown and Combles is rebuilt but there is much evidence of trenches and bunkers from the old battlefield.

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Combles: Somme Paul Reed
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Pen & Sword Books Ltd
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