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Key Concepts in Media and Communications Paul Jones

Key Concepts in Media and Communications von Paul Jones

Key Concepts in Media and Communications Paul Jones

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An approachable yet critical introduction to the basics of media and communication studies from two experts in the field.

Key Concepts in Media and Communications Zusammenfassung

Key Concepts in Media and Communications Paul Jones

A sprightly, critical and intelligent guided tour around the mansion of media and communications/cultural research... enormously useful for students and researchers.
- James Curran, Goldsmiths, University of London

A highly comprehensive guide to core concepts in media theory and criticism.
- Andrew Goodwin, University of San Francisco

A great resource for new under-grads and something I urge my students to buy and use as a hand first 'port of call' throughout their studies.
- Paul Smith, De Montfort University

This book covers the key concepts central to understanding recent developments in media and communications studies. Wide-ranging in scope and accessible in style it sets out a useful, clear map of the important theories, methods and debates.

The entries critically explore the limits of a key concept as much as the traditions that define it. They include clear definitions, are introduced within the wider context of the field and each one:

  • is fully cross-referenced
  • is appropriately illustrated with examples, tables and diagrams
  • provides a guide to further reading.

This book is an essential resource for students of media and communications across sociology, cultural studies, creative industries and of course, media and communications courses.

Key Concepts in Media and Communications Bewertungen

A sprightly, critical and intelligent guided tour around the mansion of media and communications/cultural research. It will be enormously useful for students and researchers around the world
James Curran
Professor of Communications, Goldsmiths, University of London

A highly comprehensive guide to core concepts in media theory and criticism that is ensured of becoming a much-cited source
Andrew Goodwin

Professor of Media Studies, The University of San Francisco (aka Professor of Pop)

Über Paul Jones

Paul Jones is Professor in the School of Social Sciences at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. David Holmes is a Lecturer in Communications and Media, Monash University


Articulation Audience Broadcasting Capitalism Communication(s) Convergence Criticism/Critique Cultural Form Culture Culture Industry Cyberculture Deconstruction Digital Discourse Embodiment Encoding/Decoding Freedom of Communication Genre Globalization Hegemony Ideology Identity Image Influence Information Society Interactivity Mass Media Effects Media/Medium Mobile Privatization Modern Moral Panic Network (Society) News Values Popular/Populist Postmodernism Public Sphere Regulation Ritual Sign Simulacra Tabloidization Technoculture Technological Determinism Time/Space Compression

Zusätzliche Informationen

Key Concepts in Media and Communications Paul Jones
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
SAGE Publications Inc
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