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Poetry Unbound Padraig O Tuama

Poetry Unbound von Padraig O Tuama

Poetry Unbound Padraig O Tuama

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A beautiful book of immersive poetry, based on the much-loved Poetry Unbound podcast downloaded more than 6 million times

Poetry Unbound Zusammenfassung

Poetry Unbound: 50 Poems to Open Your World Padraig O Tuama

An immersive collection of poetry to open your world, curated by the host of Poetry Unbound

This inspiring collection, edited by Padraig O Tuama, presents fifty poems about what it means to be alive in the world today. Each poem is paired with Padraig's illuminating commentary that offers personal anecdotes and generous insights into the content of the poem.

Engaging, accessible and inviting, Poetry Unbound is the perfect companion for everyone who loves poetry and for anyone who wants to go deeper into poetry but doesn't necessarily know how to do so.

Poetry Unbound contains expanded reflections on poems as heard on the podcast, as well as exclusive new selections. Contributors include Hanif Abdurraqib, Patience Agbabi, Raymond Antrobus, Margaret Atwood, Ada Limon, Kei Miller, Roger Robinson, Lemn Sissay, Layli Long Soldier and more.

Poetry Unbound Bewertungen

Mesmerising, magical, deeply moving. I loved and adored this book! If you are looking for a read that will warm your heart, inspire your creative mind and renew your faith in the resilience of the human race, look no further -- ELIF SHAFAK
A poem to Padraig is like a child to Mary Poppins. It sits, alert, in wonder that he should know it so well. I would go out at night to hear Padraig talk of the poems. The next best thing, maybe even better, is Poetry Unbound . . . There should be a copy of Poetry Unbound in every bar, every cafe, every train station, every bus station, every airport, every workplace, every school, every university, everywhere! -- LEMN SISSAY
A wonderful anthology of poetry filled with fascinating and thought-provoking commentary from one of the best voices in contemporary poetry today -- WILLIAM SIEGHART
Padraig O Tuama is a bearer of light. He has been called to bring his illuminating insights into what some might consider encroaching darkness, and we are all the fortunate beneficiaries of his response. This collection of poems by fifty writers, with accompanying essays by Padraig, is a testament to the rare fineness of feeling and understanding that mark his brilliant work for the On Being Project -- LORNA GOODISON
The Poetry Unbound podcast, and Padraig's way of finding language to describe the details and intricacies and the shades of grey of the human experience, have made me a better person, a better songwriter and a better artist. Padraig's perspectives have added so much beauty, wonder and comfort to my life, and I would urge everyone to dive into this deeply rewarding book -- CAMILA CABELLO
Poetry Unbound is terrific and I have been dipping into this magnificent book with enormous pleasure. Padraig O Tuama's abilities as a curator of poems, combined with his remarkable gift for unpacking poems in such illuminating and generous ways, makes this ground-breaking publication one of the most engrossing books I have read in recent years -- STEPHEN FRY
A gorgeous book. Each stunning poem has been so lovingly selected by Padraig O Tuama and then shared with so much generosity and care. This is an essential selection for poets and poetry lovers alike. I loved this glorious celebration of poetry and the ways it can navigate the heart and soul -- SALENA GODDEN
Padraig's close reading of my Wonder Woman poem was a gift. I was and am deeply moved -- ADA LIMON
A journey of discovery; an anthology that provides a challenge on every page as well as a wealth of frank autobiographical material * * Daily Mail * *
A collection that celebrates creativity, diversity and understanding * * Belfast Telegraph * *

Über Padraig O Tuama

Padraig O Tuama is an Irish poet, conflict mediator and theologian. He presents Poetry Unbound with On Being Studios, and the series is the most successful poetry podcast ever, amassing over eight million downloads since its launch in early 2020. Padraig travels widely, lecturing and leading retreats, and writes both poetry and prose. He lives in New York City.

@duanalla | padraigotuama.com

Zusätzliche Informationen

Poetry Unbound: 50 Poems to Open Your World Padraig O Tuama
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