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The Little Book of Balance Orange Hippo

The Little Book of Balance von Orange Hippo

The Little Book of Balance Orange Hippo

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The Little Book of Balance offers guidance from some of the world's greatest minds in the art of letting each aspect of life feed off each other equally.

The Little Book of Balance Zusammenfassung

The Little Book of Balance: For when life gets a little tough Orange Hippo

Life is a continual balancing act, and often the more we pursue balance, the more things seem to fall apart. All aspects of life - career, family, relationships, and health and wellbeing - are in perpetual motion, and it's this constant state of flux that makes it hard for us to attend to them in equal measure.

The Little Book of Balance offers guidance from some of the world's greatest minds in the art of letting each aspect of life feed off each other equally. To lead a well-balanced life, we must first accept that balance isn't something we can control.

'Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.'
- Dolly Parton

'Doubt can motivate you, so don't be afraid of it. Confidence and doubt are at two ends of the scale, and you need both. They balance each other out.'
- Barbra Streisand


Achieving Work-Life Balance * Maintaining Balance in Relationships * Cultivating Inner Balance * Keeping a Balanced Perspective * Balancing Day-to-Day Life * Musings on Finding Balance.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Little Book of Balance: For when life gets a little tough Orange Hippo
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Welbeck Publishing Group
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