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Railways of East Anglia Oliver Densham

Railways of East Anglia von Oliver Densham

Railways of East Anglia Oliver Densham

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Railways of East Anglia Zusammenfassung

Railways of East Anglia: A History Oliver Densham

The railways of East Anglia have a long and complex history, and this book provides a broad overview of the subject. Beginning with the earliest horse tramroads of Essex and continuing up to the privatized railway of the present day, it includes the tribulations of the early pioneer companies and the ongoing narrative of consolidation and rationalization to which the railways were subjected. Some of the more curious byways of the region's railway history are also covered. With over 140 illustrations, including archive photographs and original drawings by the author, this book includes: the Norfolk and Suffolk Rail-Road Company's fraudulent promotion of 1824; how the East Anglian railway network developed amongst bitter rivalries and uneasy truces, including the florid figure of George Hudson and the surprising history of two separate monorails in Essex. Potted narratives of some of the smaller branch lines and independent concerns are given along with information on the East Anglian railway companies and their roles in both World Wars. Finally, the sometimes-painful processes of nationalization is covered and their effect on the network as we know it today.

Über Oliver Densham

Oliver Densham was born in Suffolk, and developed an interest in railways at a very early age. An enthusiastic amateur engineer, he spends a great deal of his spare time working on steam locomotives, both models and full size. A long-standing member of the Southwold Railway Trust, he has given tours of the old line, interpreting its history in a manner that is both engaging and informative. An architectural draughtsman by profession, he has also created some of the drawings that feature in this book.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Railways of East Anglia: A History Oliver Densham
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
The Crowood Press Ltd
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