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Monster Musume Vol. 15 Okayado

Monster Musume Vol. 15 von Okayado

Monster Musume Vol. 15 Okayado

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A New York Times bestselling series that kicked off the monster girl phenomena in North America!

Monster Musume Vol. 15 Zusammenfassung

Monster Musume Vol. 15 Okayado

What do world governments do when they learn that fantastical beings are not merely fiction, but flesh and blood - not to mention feather, hoof, and fang? Why, they create new regulations, of course! 'The Interspecies Cultural Exchange Accord' ensures that these once-mythical creatures assimilate into human society... or else! When hapless human twenty-something Kurusu Kimihito becomes an involuntary 'volunteer' in the government homestay program for monster girls, his world is turned upside down. A reptilian lamia named Miia is sent to live with him, and it is Kimihito's job to tend to her every need and make sure she integrates into his everyday life. While cold-blooded Miia is so sexy she makes Kimihito's blood boil with desire, the penalties for interspecies breeding are dire. Even worse, when a buxom centaur named Centorea and a scantily clad harpy named Papi move into Kimihito's house, what's a full-blooded young man with raging hormones to do?!

Über Okayado

OKAYADO is a Japanese manga artist best known for his New York Times bestselling series Monster Musume and 12 Beast. He visited North America for the first time as a special guest at Anime Expo 2016.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Monster Musume Vol. 15 Okayado
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC
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