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First Repertoire For Flute (music) Sally Adams

First Repertoire For Flute von (music) Sally Adams

First Repertoire For Flute (music) Sally Adams

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First Repertoire For Flute Zusammenfassung

First Repertoire For Flute (music) Sally Adams

First Repertoire For Flute combines imaginative arrangements with original pieces, all of which have been carefully selected and written for players of elementary to intermediate (Grade 1-4) standard. Sally Adams and Nigel Morley have pooled their wealth of experience and put together a varied and challenging collection which includes classic theme tunes from the Vicar of Dibley and The Snowman, as well as original compositions from Sally Adams, Sarah Watts and Pam Wedgwood. There is something here for every occasion!

**ABRSM selected piece (Flute 2008-2013): Tell Them Martha Sent You (Watts)


Romance (Lachner); Rocky's Rodeo (Adams); Walking In Shadows (Wedgwood); Spagnoletta (Praetorius); Menuet From Il Pastor Fido (Handel); Vicar Of Dibley (Goodall); Hungarian Fantasie (Andersen); Cortesmente (Telemann); Grandmama Tells A Ghost Story (Kullack); Andante Alla Siciliana (Mercadente); Romance (Reger); Coming From Fountain (Granados); Tell Me Loverly Shepherd (Boyce); Walking In The Air (Blake)

Zusätzliche Informationen

First Repertoire For Flute (music) Sally Adams
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Faber Music Ltd
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