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Stop Arguing with Your Kids Michael P. Nichols

Stop Arguing with Your Kids von Michael P. Nichols (Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, United States)

Stop Arguing with Your Kids Michael P. Nichols

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For parents fed up with constant challenges to their authority, but who dread becoming tyrants in their own homes, this title provides a powerful alternative to "because I said so". Family therapist and author Michael P. Nicholls takes on the number-one problem of parents today with insight and humour.

Stop Arguing with Your Kids Zusammenfassung

Stop Arguing with Your Kids: How to Win the Battle of Wills by Making Your Children Feel Heard Michael P. Nichols

For parents fed up with constant challenges to their authority-but who dread becoming tyrants in their own homes-this book provides a powerful new alternative to ""because I said so."" Trusted family therapist and author Michael P. Nichols takes on the number-one problem of parents today with the insight and humor that has made his earlier The Lost Art of Listening an enduring bestseller. Presented is a simple, easy-to-follow, yet remarkably effective way to put an end to arguments by refusing to argue back. Instead, the techniques of responsive listening help parents open up better communication in the family; create an atmosphere of respect and cooperation; and take children's feelings into account-without giving in to their demands. Loads of realistic examples help parents defuse whining and defiance and manage common conflicts with preschoolers to teens.

Stop Arguing with Your Kids Bewertungen

"This excellent book is one that parents will dog-ear and keep handy. Like a wise grandparent, it helps today's stressed and beleaguered parents calm down and do a better job of parenting. Nichols' responsive listening approach is smart and sound, and it is presented clearly and confidently. I wish I had read Stop Arguing with Your Kids when I was a parent; I'll make sure my adult kids get copies."--Augustus Y. Napier, PhD, author of The Family Crucible and The Fragile Bond

"Whether dealing with my own four-year-old or my sister's feisty preteen, this book has helped me fashion responses that work."--Mary Comerford, mother of three, Westchester, New York

"A widely respected academic authority and clinician, Dr. Nichols understands how families work, and in this book he offers parents a tool to navigate the difficult spots in their developing relationship with their children."--Philip J. Guerin, MD, family psychiatrist, Rye Brook, New York

"A gem of a parenting book, with an abundance of empathy and expertise for parent and child. Just wait until you see the experience of being understood in your child's eyes--the battle will become irrelevant."--Marisa Leto, mother of a five-year-old, Greenbrae, California

"If you're tired of all those arguments with your kids that leave you feeling frustrated, angry, or guilty, you're in for a real treat. Finally, some down-to-earth, easy-to-understand advice for turning battles into loving interactions. Read it--your kids will thank you!"--Michele Weiner-Davis, author of Change Your Life and Everyone In It

Über Michael P. Nichols

Michael P. Nichols, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at the College of William and Mary. He is a well-known family therapist and popular speaker who has been a guest on national television programs. Dr. Nichols is the author or editor of over a dozen books, including The Lost Art of Listening and Family Therapy: Concepts and Methods, the most widely used textbook in the field. In addition to teaching and practicing family therapy, Dr. Nichols is a national masters powerlifting champion.


I. How Responsive Listening Works to Eliminate Arguments
1. Taking Charge of Your Children without a Battle
2. The Five Steps of Responsive Listening
3. How to Head Off Arguments before They Start
4. How to Inspire Cooperation in Your Children
5. Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Arguing
II. How to Apply Responsive Listening to Different Age Groups
6. Young Children: Tears and Tantrums
7. School-Age Children: ""Do I Have To?""
8. Teenagers: ""You Can't Tell Me What to Do!""
III. Complications
9. The Changing Dynamics of the Adolescent Family
10. When Arguing Seems Unavoidable: How to Use Responsive Listening in the Toughest Situations

Zusätzliche Informationen

Stop Arguing with Your Kids: How to Win the Battle of Wills by Making Your Children Feel Heard Michael P. Nichols
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Guilford Publications
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