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A Handbook of Management Techniques Michael Armstrong

A Handbook of Management Techniques von Michael Armstrong

A Handbook of Management Techniques Michael Armstrong

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This guide lists and describes the systematic and analytical methods used by business managers to assist the decision-making process and improve efficiency, particularly with reference to planning and control. All concepts are accompanied by diagrams which illustrate particular points.

A Handbook of Management Techniques Zusammenfassung

A Handbook of Management Techniques Michael Armstrong

This guide lists and describes the systematic and analytical methods used by business managers to assist the decision-making process and improve efficiency, particularly with reference to planning and control. All concepts are accompanied by diagrams which illustrate particular points. An ELBS/LPBB edition is available.


Corporate management; marketing management; operations management; information technology; management science; planning and resource allocation; efficiency and effectiveness.

Zusätzliche Informationen

A Handbook of Management Techniques Michael Armstrong
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Kogan Page Ltd
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