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Her Unforgettable Knight Melissa Oliver

Her Unforgettable Knight von Melissa Oliver

Her Unforgettable Knight Melissa Oliver

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She never forgot him...

Her Unforgettable Knight Zusammenfassung

Her Unforgettable Knight (Protectors of the Crown, Book 3) Melissa Oliver

She never forgot him...

Can she ever forgive him?

Part of Protectors of the Crown. Marguerite never expected to see Savaric again-let alone to have to help him when she finds him outnumbered in a fight. He's the brooding knight she fell for two years ago, until he left her unexpectedly. Now Marguerite is a hardened spy, and wary of trusting him again. But how long can she resist their connection when they must work together to protect the Crown...?

Über Melissa Oliver

Melissa Oliver is from south-west London where she writes sweeping historical romance and is the winner of The Romantic Novelists' Association's Joan Hessayon Award for new writers 2020 for her debut, The Rebel Heiress and the Knight.

For more information visit www.melissaoliverauthor.com.

Follow Melissa on:
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Zusätzliche Informationen

Her Unforgettable Knight (Protectors of the Crown, Book 3) Melissa Oliver
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
HarperCollins Publishers
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