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Nature and Mortality Mary Warnock

Nature and Mortality von Mary Warnock

Nature and Mortality Mary Warnock

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Nature and Mortality is a challenging look at some of the major public issues of our time through the eyes of one of our most influential and probing writers.

Nature and Mortality Zusammenfassung

Nature and Mortality Mary Warnock

Nature and Mortality is a challenging look at some of the major public issues of our time through the eyes of one of our most influential and probing writers. Mary Warnock, a professional philosopher, gives a frank account on where we stand today on such disturbing matters as human embryology, genetic engineering, euthanasia and abortion. Governments of both parties have long regarded Warnock as an expert on a wide range of issues on the border between ethics and law and she is considered an ideal person to guide and assist other experts. Although Warnock's views may be shocking to some, her contribution to the debate is always stimulating. Here, her views on weighty ethical issues are set in the context of her own experience of writing reports on them. The framework of her book is autobiographical and therefore highly personal. Nature and Mortality is Warnock at her most perceptive, wise and entertaining.

Über Mary Warnock

Warnock is a philosopher and was philosophy tutor at St Hugh's College, Oxford for many years. She was created a life peer by Mrs Thatcher. She is the author of several books, including An Intelligent Person's Guide to Ethics.


Oxford; Embryology; The human genome; The perils of higher education; Law and society; Law and ethics; The disastrous consequences of Thatcher's education policy; Abortion; Euthanasia; Intimations of mortality.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Nature and Mortality Mary Warnock
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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